Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Project Update

From last week, I already found couple of video according to my topic about metro music performance. And my proposal will be updated with advice from class.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 2 Project Proposal

Working Critique
Visual guide to metro performers
Sha Huang

Living in New York everyday, we get used to street and metro station performers. These performers have excellent skills in various field, music, dance, imitation. What I am more interested in is music. I am going to spend days to watch these metro station performances and record them.
New York influence almost every modern music performer. “If one music style could survive in New York, this music style could survive in the world.” I read this from a Taiwan musician.
Simply I like listen to all kinds of music, as moved to New York, there are a lot of things I have never seen before. With this project I hope to sharpen my skill at video editing and see how far can cellphone video goes.
There are tons of article about street and metro performance. Open Youtube, there are thousands of video about these performance too. What I am going to do shot is a clip of collection of them. This is not new, but just as a personal goal, push my skill to next level.
I will go out and looking for these metro station performer randomly, record their performance and edit what I shot. This will give my audience a visual concept about how are street performance looks like.

My cellphone and PC will be my best partner during this project.

Week 2 Statement about Appropriation

Working Critique I
Appropriation Statement
Sha Huang

The first thing I can make a living in my life is a freelancer job as a writer. So from very early time, I know what how furious people would be if they found their works have been used improperly, edited by unknown editor, or plagiarized. As many people fascinated to electronic stuff, same as me, I love video game. Owe to high speed developing economy in China, I have chance to touch modern electronic equipment. Lots of video game consoles full of my room, I am not only playing games, but also I wrote assessment and guidebook to these games I played.

As you may know, in late 20 century China, Russia and other Mideast Asia country were pretty good at pirate. Because of this, young kids have chance to access various games from differ platform. At the same time, bulletin board system develop rapidly, so as competition in every industry, same thing happened to our field.

I worked as freelancer for couple of online forum communities and magazines. Due to this was a grey zone at that time, we don’t really have any regulation and adjustment from government. A lot of our articles and works had been reprinted and transferred to other media. Without protection from any institute, what we could do was only find those people who plagiarized our works and fight for our own right.

As time goes by, this situation have been changed dramatically, globe companies cross the sea, Chinese people now are able to buy games from shops. Game and electronic sports environment become more and more friendly to practitioners. Even some universities offer e-sports major now. In any circumstance, any industry needs regulation to help, otherwise our right would not be secured.