Monday, October 2, 2017

Expanded Project Proposal

Working Critique Expanded Proposal
Visual guide to metro performers
Sha Huang

This is going to be a video collection contains multiple kinds of underground music performance. For people from other part on the earth, they may not have metro and Youtube or they just have built metro, New York underground music performance has already become a big part of this city and its city history, via this video, I hope to give them a visual tour to New York underground music performance.
Just like not every city has metro transportation, not every metro system contains underground music performance. As New York is a synthesis of all kinds of music, metro performance become a symbol of this city and have a place in music performance. I am going to show people who have no metro in their city and people who has hard to access Youtube how underground music performance looks like. My focus will be instrument playing and vocal. Format of this project will be video I record and edited. To find out where the performers are and when they will perform will be a big problem, so this is a time consume work.
New York influence almost every modern music performer. “If one music style could survive in New York, this music style could survive in the world.” I read this from a Taiwan musician. Simply I like listen to all kinds of music, as moved to New York, there are a lot of things I have never seen before. With this project I hope to sharpen my skill at video editing and see how far cellphone can video goes. On the other hand, I hope to show people without Youtube and metro the fascination of underground performance.
Underground music performance has its history, and even until now, contradiction between performer, passenger and station manager still become news time to time, not to mention for the other cities which just build metro recently. In this area, tons of video that contains individual performer have been shot by amateurs and uploaded to the social media, thousands of academic essays have been published. But what I am doing is a collection of differ performers. As a personal goal, hope to push my skill to next level. In my final format, I will put as many kinds of performers as I can, so far, I can not give out a number, because this is a time costuming work to collect them, I will try my best.

During this project, I will use my cellphone and PC to produce. Recording with my cellphone will keep me having same video format to edit, and that is also a very popular way for people to record nowadays, I also want to see how far can I go with its capability.

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